Contact Us

By Telephone

If you would like to speak to us during business hours, contact our expert team on free phone 0800 022 4222 (UK) or 1800 812 100 (Eire).

Business hours:

Mon-Thurs: 9.00am - 5:30pm
Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm

If you are experiencing any sort of unusual eye discomfort or changes in your vision, please call your Optician immediately.
If you have a question about ACUVUE® contact lenses, Check Our FAQs. Chances are the answer is already there.
If you are an eye care professional, please go to our business site:
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about our Privacy Policy, ACUVUE® Contact Lenses or the information management on this site, please contact us either via telephone or email.